Women United

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Women United Save the Date

Our Mission

Consistent with United Way of the Virginia Peninsula's mission, Women United harnesses the power of women to improve the quality of life for women and children on the Virginia Peninsula.

We Aim to Inspire Change

We don't stand by. We roll up our sleeves and inspire those around us to help build a better community for women and children on the Peninsula.

Why Engage

By joining Women United, you’ll become part of a community of like-minded women who aim to help women and children facing poverty on the Virginia Peninsula. This is your chance to learn about the key issues impacting our community, volunteer, give and make a difference.


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A $250 donation can be made incrementally with yearly, quarterly, or monthly options. Join anytime by pledging through your employer's annual United Way giving campaign



For more information, call (757) 229-2222, press 2 or email womenunited@uwvp.org


WU Events

2024 Feminine Hygiene Drive

2024 CommuniTEA

Fall Lunch 2021

Fall Luncheon

Hygiene Drive 2022