Our mission as United Way of the Virginia Peninsula is to improve the quality of life for people in our community by helping them live their best possible lives. United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. We create Pathways Out of Poverty for our neighbors in need by bringing the community together to navigate through the Virginia Peninsula's toughest challenges.

We do this by finding new SOLUTIONS to old problems.

...By forging unlikely PARTNERSHIPS.

...By mobilizing the best RESOURCES.

...By INSPIRING individuals to join the fight.



Equity Image

United Way of the Virginia Peninsula Equity Statement 

"We believe that equity is the guiding principle of OUR work and the reason WE exist. By acknowledging the impacts of generational poverty and the historical precedent of racism, bias, and gender inequality, WE are empowered to focus OUR resources and influence on addressing the root causes of poverty and ensuring access to services and economic mobility for ALL."

See United Way of the Virginia Peninsula's equity statement here!